Depending on where you live, pollen season can begin as early as January and last as late as December. There are typically three pollen seasons: tree pollination in the spring, grass pollination in the summer and weed pollination in the fall. Some of these seasons overlap. It is important to monitor the pollen in your area. Pollen count reports are often available in local newspapers, on television or can be accessed online.
Pollen can get into your eyes, nose, throat and lungs. It is one of the most common causes of hay fever, also referred to as allergic rhinitis. The most common symptoms are itchy eyes, sneezing, runny nose, nasal congestion and sometimes aggravation of asthma symptoms.
The following recommendations may help if you are trying to avoid pollen:
Bathe animals regularly. Pets can bring pollen into the house on their fur.
Keep windows closed during times of high pollen counts and utilize air conditioners.
Avoid using inward-directed window fans.
Stay inside in the early morning between 5:00am and 10:00am. Pollens are most prevalent in the air in the morning as the sun rises and the air warms. Pollen is washed out of the air during a rain.
Remove clothing and wash hair after being outdoors.
Start allergy medications such as nasal sprays and antihistamines two to three weeks prior to each known allergy season.
Consider using nasal saline rinse after being outside (netti pot or irrigation).
Never hang clothes outside to dry.
Don’t bring fresh cut flowers in the house.
Wear a face mask when mowing the lawn or working in the garden.